Other Laws

International Law

Many companies conduct global business transactions. They have to comply with Indian and International laws. Similarly, there are rules and regulations related to asylum and extradition. Asylum seekers are people who flee their own country and seek sanctuary and legal protection in another. Extradition is when a person is transferred from one country to another where the person has criminal proceedings against him. Seeking asylum and extradition requires legal processes to ensure that the interests of the parties that follow the law are protected.

Our Strengths

  • IntellexEmpire is capable of helping asylum seekers and refugees to follow the process to gain the appropriate status in India.
  • Another team of experts can guide organizations and businesses to play by the rules of public policy and legislations applicable. We help companies to manage regulatory and administrative issues in their best interests.

Areas of Expertise

  • We partner with our clients to understand their business objectives and requirements and implement solutions to enable them to conduct their business globally -
  • Understand and manage rules related to Preferential Trade Agreements and Free Trade Agreements such that our clients can maximise the benefits.
  • Apply for, follow-up and secure incentives under the Foreign Trade Policy.
  • Efficiently manage import/export to reduce trade costs and maintain transparency in cross-border transactions.
  • Work with asylum seekers and refugees by helping them understand the legal process, establish their case, prepare documentation and follow through with their application process in the court of law.